Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Happy 6 Month Puppyversary: The Mag Pie

Six months ago, Robin and I made what is quite possibly the best choice we have ever made (yes, maybe even better than moving to Charleston)- we decided to get a dog. Having never owned a pet growing up (aside from a far less demanding turtle), Robin has made it her life's mission to remedy this now that she has her own oasis to call home. During medical school, she stuck to the lower maintenance feline variety of pets (the ruler of our kingdom, Swarley, and the shy but lovable Abby), but it was now time to add a more adventurous and demanding best friend to our family. As the petfinder emails exponentially increased in frequency, I knew there was no more waiting. It was time to buy a dog.
Our first encounter with Maggie. It was clear from the start that she was the one for us.
Maggie May was the first dog we met, and we instantly loved her. She was a calm, friendly dog, who could oddly displace her hips whenever she wanted to lay down. Following a walk around and checking out one other dog who sadly never stood a chance, she was ours. Over the last 6 months we have been endlessly amused watching wiggle-butt learn how to be a dog including understanding what a toy is, barking, chasing cats, burying bones, and endlessly begging for food. With Robin about to start nights and Maggie's 6 month adoption anniversary upon us, we decided to celebrate with a dog-centric day including a trip to the beach and Maggie's first pie (the ultimate sign of love between Robin and I).

Maggie enjoying quality backyard time
The Mag Pie
Adapted from The Three Dog Bakery Cookbook
Time: 30 minutes + time to set
Servings: 1 pie
Our most beautiful crust ever...

1 1/2 cups white flour
1/2 cup vegetable shortening
4-5 tbsp cold water

3 tbsp white flour
1/2 cup honey
2 cups skim milk
4 egg yolks
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 banana

Even Swarley decided to help out.

  1. Buy a puppy. Wait 6 months.
  2. Preheat the oven to 450 F.
  3. Make the crust by cutting the shortening into the flour until it is the size of peas.  Add water 1 tbsp at a time until you get a workable ball.
  4. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface then assemble it in a pie plate.
  5. Bake for 10-12 minutes until golden. Let cool.
  6. Make the filling by blending the flour, honey, milk, egg yolks, peanut butter, and banana together in a blender until smooth.
  7. Pour the filling into a large saucepan and cook over medium until it begins to thicken. Let cool and pour over the crust. Refrigerate for at least an hour to let it set.
  8. Prepare for never-ending grateful dog kisses.
The finished product, but who are we kidding, you're not reading this post to see pictures of food.
Initially, this recipe oddly called for parsley. Since Robin and I were fully intending to partake in the doggy desserty goodness, this was not gonna fly. Instead, we added peanut butter's natural friend the banana, and got a pie fit for human consumption. We enjoyed our doggie pie, but nowhere near as much as Maggie did. She scarfed up her slice in about 2 milliseconds then pushed her plate across the floor making sure she licked each and every last crumb off (this would become a recurring theme as she would spend the next several days pushing said plate toward me asking for more delicious pie). Finally, she helped herself to the remaining scraps on our plates before a well earned nap. I am pretty sure she's now convinced that lunch pie is a thing that's supposed to happen every day, but it was worth it to spoil her for all the joy she's brought these last few months (even if she does insist that my side of the bed is her spot).

Maggie's Day of Fun

Our pre-pie workout on the beach. Judging by how my feet aren't even touching the ground, it is clear that I am the alpha in this relationship.
Having fun running free
Getting her palate ready for the pie goodness to come

Maggie waiting in anticipation of her pie. Her tail may have broken the sound barrier.
She insisted on cleaning our plates for us as well. She's such a helpful dog.

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